A new way to add
to any web enterprise

Free The Web

We provide temporary use of non-downloadable cloud-based software for optimization of navigation of websites. Content Access System (CAS) changes and enhances the way visitors browse websites, delivering high percentage increases in traffic to target web pages, which drives more conversions and sales.

Convenient and fast access to content is critical for a website to be effective. Visitors come to a website with a specific purpose, whether it's to find information, solve a problem, or purchase a product. If they can't access the content they are seeking, they are likely to leave and look elsewhere.

Adding CAS to any website makes it easier, faster, more convenient, and more enjoyable for website visitors to find the products, services and information they are seeking. Our patent-pending cloud technology easily and seamlessly drops into any webpage and immediately goes to work driving traffic and generating unique analytics.

CAS Scenes

Content Access System scenes make it easy and fast to add complex interactivity to any webpage. Each Content Access System scene is an indiviual screen comprised of simple HTML code. Multiple scenes can be easily linked together to deliver self-guided interactive presentations. ContentAcccess scenes are used to engage, inform, and enable visitors to pre-filter complex information. Visitors engage with multiple screens within our injected dynamic window, eliminating the need for multiple page loads.

web browsing fatigue
Client Showcase

Linfield College

Content Access System Scenes are injected into specific pages within the Linfield College website to deliver critical protocol and legal information related to sexual misconduct and relationship violence, a sensitive yet very important topic. This example utilizes multiple scenes linked together to provide a self-guided interactive presentation that informs and provides access to supporing online resources.

© Content Access System | 800-705-2642