
Content Access System - A Teleporter for your Website

Personalized Website Navigation
Content Access System works on a personalized level for each website visitor, saving them time and effort accessing the content on your website they are seeking.

Visitors use our solutions to navigate your website more efficiently.
We provide detailed analytics around the things visitor select to get to the destinations they seek, which is adds a new data dimension we call "selection analytics". Content Access System selection analytics data layers into your existing analytics stragegy to inform and energize your understanding of your website visitors so you can serve them better.

Personalized access to content at the enterprise level.
Content Access System can dramatically increase traffic to target destinations anywhere within the web enterprise by intercepting visitors during their website journey and guiding them to destinations they are seeking. The unique selection data we generate adds new views into vistor preferences and trends across your web enterprise.

Injects into any webpage from the cloud

Website navigation components that live in the cloud are strategically injected into webpages throughout the web enterprise, which is achieved by adding a simple JavaScript tag to any web page. When a visitor requests the web page, curated navigation options are dynamically loaded into the host web page from the cloud.

Data drives everything

Injected navigation links, buttons and selctions that website users utilize originate from the cloud and are presented when individual users request a webpage that contains Programeresive objects. Because the click-able or tap-able navigation elements originate from our system, we are able to deliver very unique visitor behavioral and context-based decision data and analytics.

This analytics data provides unique insights into content request and visitation trends across any web enterprise, delivering valuable business intelligence and insights into website visitor patterns regardless of the size of the web enterprise.

© Content Access System | 800-705-2642